Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
The Superintendent’s Guide to Social Emotional Learning
How to Develop Social Awareness through Social Emotional Learning
In psychology, social awareness is defined as the ability to understand, empathize with, and respond effectively to other people’s needs. While self-awareness means being mindful of your own emotions, strengths, weaknesses, and biases, social awareness involves being conscious of other people’s behavior and emotions. Psychologist Dr. Daniel Goleman establishes social awareness as the third pillar of…
What is Culturally Responsive Social Emotional Learning and Why It is Important
We live in an ever-diversifying world where educators and schools constantly struggle to fulfill their dual responsibility—to help students succeed academically while equipping them with the skills and attributes they need to thrive in life. Teachers must account for differing backgrounds, beliefs, and capabilities to create an equal footing for all students to succeed. This…
What are the Five Pillars of Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)?
At school, children should gain the fundamental skills and knowledge that will set them up for success later in life. These include academic skills, such as literacy and math, and social and emotional skills that will help them navigate life’s ups and downs. The latter are taught through a framework known as social and emotional…
How to Develop Student Self-Awareness through Social-Emotional Learning
Social-emotional learning — or SEL — is an evidence-based approach to providing students of all ages with the essential personal and social life skills they need to achieve academic success and thrive throughout their lives. Through the CASEL framework, students learn how to identify and manage their emotions, collaboratively problem-solve, feel and show empathy, maintain…
How to Create an Inclusive Classroom
Creating an inclusive classroom allows all students to feel respected, happy and safe in their learning environment. These feelings help them learn and develop better than they would in an unsupportive environment. Inclusive environments help students learn about diverse backgrounds and perspectives, communicate with their peers and practice empathy. To create inclusive classrooms, teachers should…
Managing Stress in High School
Your high school days can be stressful. With increasingly difficult academics, participating in extracurriculars, preparing for college, socializing with friends and working a part-time job, it’s crucial that you manage your time and your stress level. Managing stress in high school can be a daunting task. If you find yourself becoming overwhelmed with the many…
Should I Homeschool My Child? 6 Things to Consider
How to Handle a Fight With a Friend
How to Teach Consent to Middle School Students
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